A STRONG PROHIBITION Anal intercourse is a major sin that is strongly prohibited in Islam. It is an unnatural act that does not fulfill any of the goals of marriage.
Rather, it is the practice of those whose nature has been distorted -those who prefer that which is filthy to that which is good. It is thew wayof the people of Lut whom Allah condemned and destroyed in a most overwhelming manner.
Khuzaymah Bin Thabit RA reported that Allah's Messenger Muhammad SAW said:
"Verily, Allah forbids you from having intercourse with women in their rectums."
Recorded by at-Tabarani (in al-Kabir). Verified to be authentic by al-Albani
(Sahih ul-jami 1921).
In another narration, Khuzaymah Bin Thabit RA reported that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"Performing intercourse with the women in their rectums is prohibited."
Recorded by an-Nasa'r (in al-Kubra). Verified to be authentic by al-Albani (as-Sahihah no. 873).
A man who performs anal intercourse with his wife deserves Allah's curse and wrath.
Ibn 'Abbas RA reported that Allah's Messenger Muhammad SAW said:
"Verily, Allah does not glance (with mercy) at a man who performs intercourse with another man, or who performs it with a woman in her rectum."
Recorded by at-Tirmithi. Verified to be authentic by al-Albani (Sahih ul-jami
no. 7801 & Adab uz-Zifaf p. 105).
Abu Hurayrah Muhammad SAW reported that Allah's Messenger Muhammad SAW said:
"Indeed Allah does not view with mercy (or He curses) a man who performs intercourse with his wife in her rectum."
Recorded by an-Nasa'i, Ahmad, and others. Verified to be authentic by al-
Albani(Sahih ul-Jami' nos. 5889, 7802 & Adab uz-Zifaf p. 105).
If it becomes known to an Islamic judge that the husband or both spouses indulge in anal intercourse, he may choose to physically
punish them, separate between them, or both.
lbn Taymiyyah RA said:
"If the husband performs intercourse with his wife in the rectum and she allows him, they should both be punished (by the Islamic authority). If they do not then stop, they should be separated from each other."
Majmu' ul-Fatawi 32:266-268.